Understanding ACA for Employers and Businesses

Between tracking hours, ensuring that benefits are offered to those who are eligible, and filing forms, many HR professionals spend hours working on ACA requirements to ensure compliance.

What is the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

Before we get started on understanding ACA and how it affects your employer or business, let’s take a step back and get familiar with what the Affordable Care Act is. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a comprehensive health care reform law that was enacted in early 2010 and was created with three goals in mind; to make affordable health insurance available to more people, to expand the Medicaid program, and to innovate ways to lower the costs of health care in general.

With this law in place, the way health care works for employers and businesses changed. We’re here to help explain ACA for businesses both small and large and what you need to do to protect yourself and help your employees.

ACA and Large Businesses

The ACA changed the way employers buy and offer insurance to their employees. Under the ACA, larger companies (50 or more full-time employees) are required to offer affordable health insurance to their employees.

The ACA also states that companies are required to:

ACA and Small Businesses

With all the rules and regulations in place for large companies (50 or more FT employees), you might be wondering what the ACA means for a small business. Small businesses have more flexibility and while the mandate might not even apply to your business, there are some rules under the ACA that all employers should be aware of.

Some of those rules are:

Staying Compliant with ACA

You might be wondering with all the rules and regulations how do you ensure your company stays compliant and penalty free. That’s where isolved can help! With isolved People Cloud, we can help simplify the ACA reporting process for Applicable Large Employers (ALEs) by providing 1094 and 1095 forms, calculating your FTEs to determine ALE status, reporting for employee status changes and affordability, and distributing and e-filing the forms on your behalf.

With isolved you can:

Don’t want to switch payroll providers? You don’t have to with our ACA Print & File solution. Learn more here.

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