Tribal Fire Services

“ Severe storms, freezing temperatures, hurricanes and heat waves are becoming more common throughout the world. In 2020, there were 457 weather-related fatalities in the United States. The leading cause of weather fatalities in the U.S. was extreme heat, followed by floods and tornadoes.

Seniors are at an especially high risk of experiencing injuries and illnesses related to natural disasters. An estimated 85% of older adults live with one or more chronic health conditions and reduced mobility These factors make dealing with power outages, extreme temperatures and emergency evacuations difficult.

Although we can’t prevent weather-related natural disasters, being prepared can make all the difference during an emergency. Being prepared means knowing what your personal risks are and the types of natural disasters that are likely to occur where you live.

In this guide, you’ll learn what you can do to stay safe during a disaster. You’ll discover helpful tips on preparing your home for extreme weather events and how to assess the risks in your region. You’ll also find disaster preparedness checklists for seniors and caregivers, as well as pet owners.”

Wildfire Smoke Readiness & Response: Resources for Region 10 Tribes

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