Overview of lifecycle management in the OIN

Lifecycle management refers to the process of provisioning and deprovisioning app access as a user moves through an org. Onboarding, role change, transfer, and offboarding employee processes require provisioning user accounts in Okta and other third-party apps. It also requires enforcing corporate security policies in a timely manner.

Lifecycle management

Okta provides two methods to integrate lifecycle management to your app. You can use the System for Cross-domain Identity Management

(opens new window) (SCIM) protocol to manage user accounts from Okta. You can also use the Okta Workflows Connector Builder

(opens new window) to create automated identity processes in Okta Workflows

After completing your Okta lifecycle management integration, publish it in the Okta Integration Network (OIN)

(opens new window) for your customers to benefit from secure provisioning automation and meet compliance requirements. The OIN is a collection of pre-built app integrations covering numerous use cases. Join the community that customers trust to exchange secure authentication between users, devices, and apps.

Why build a lifecycle management integration with Okta?
Automate onboarding/offboarding and win larger customers After an org reaches a certain size, manually provisioning accounts and getting users set up is a time-consuming process and a bottleneck for your product's adoption. Okta lifecycle management integration automates mundane tasks for your customers, which reduces the total cost of ownership and removes barriers to end user activation.
Secure access to your app Secure access to your app. Integrating with Okta ensures that end users can access your app when they join an org. Access is automatically removed as they leave the org to prevent embarrassing data loss and dangling access.
Meet compliance requirements Help your customers generate logs of access changes to comply with security policies and audits.
Increase adoption of your product and sell more licenses Okta lifecycle management integration helps your customers use SaaS licenses and ultimately purchase more as the org grows or use expands.
Choose how to implement your integration
System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) Connector Builder
Description SCIM

Use case examples Example of a partner integration journey with Okta

Tom is an internal developer at OktReward, an HR employee rewards app. OktReward is already in the OIN with an SSO integration. OktReward wants to add a lifecycle management integration with Okta.

Tom performs the following tasks:

After approval, the OktReward app is published as a lifecycle management integration (in addition to an SSO integration) in the OIN.

Example of a customer admin integration journey with Okta

Acme is a company that uses Okta to manage identity for their workforce. Acme is considering adding OktReward into their HR suite. OktReward is in the OIN with SSO and lifecycle management use cases. Therefore, Acme knows they can integrate OktReward securely into their existing Okta-managed SSO and automated user lifecycle flow with minimal effort. In addition, Acme can access OktRewards audits for their compliance needs.

Alicia is an admin at Acme and performs the following tasks to integrate OktReward:

Acme's employees can sign in to the OktReward app with their existing Okta credentials and no additional OktReward app registration is required. When new employees join Acme, their HR staff adds user profiles in one Okta source. The user profiles are automatically provisioned to the apps with lifecycle management support, which now includes OktReward.

Example of a workforce lifecycle journey with Okta

Key terms for lifecycle management in this workforce journey:

  1. Lucy accepts an offer to join the Customer Support team at Acme Corp. The Acme HR team sets her start date in the employee directory and adds her to the "Customer Support" Okta group.
  2. On Lucy's start date, Okta automatically creates her accounts in all the tools used by every employee at Acme. For example, chat, corporate directory, and intranet.
  3. Since Lucy is in the Customer Support Okta group, an account is also provisioned for Lucy in the Customer Support team tools. These tools are used exclusively by the Customer Support team (for example, the case management tool).
  4. Acme uses Okta Workflows to provide custom onboarding actions, extending the usual account provisioning flows. After Lucy's account is activated, an onboarding flow is triggered based on Lucy's group. Since she's part of the Customer Support group, Lucy is added to a special folder in Acme's cloud file storage service. The Customer Support team uses this folder to share template files.
  1. After two years of great work on the Customer Support team, Lucy is promoted and becomes a team manager. The HR team updates Lucy's role in the employee directory to reflect her new level and manager title. Lucy's profile in Okta is updated, and Lucy is added to a new group called "People Managers" in Okta.
  2. The apps Lucy was given access to when she joined Acme are automatically updated with Lucy's latest profile information including her new title.
  3. Since Lucy is now a member of the People Managers Okta group, Okta provisions her an account in Acme's evaluation tool for employee performance.
  4. A flow is triggered in Okta Workflows when Lucy's profile is updated that adds Lucy to a private chat group for people managers.
  1. After five years of employment at Acme, Lucy decides to leave to take a role at another org. HR sets her last day in the employee directory.
  2. At the close of business on Lucy's last day with Acme, her account is removed from Okta. Her accounts in the various apps she uses for her job are removed.
  3. An offboarding flow is triggered in Okta Workflows. It reassigns ownership of Lucy's files and folders in Acme's cloud file storage service to her manager. A rule is created in Acme's email system that forwards any email sent to Lucy's corporate email address to her manager.
Next steps

Ready to get started? Choose how you want to implement your lifecycle management integration.

System for Cross-domain Identity Management

Build a SCIM provisioning integration

Connector Builder

Build a Workflows connector

After your Okta lifecycle management integration is built and tested, submit it to the Okta OIN team for verification through the OIN Manager.

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