A level photography sketchbook presentation ideas

The links on the left will take you to each student's website. Use your normal password to view them. They are locked as many feature students in their work.

Look at the way each student structures their project.
- What do they include?
- What kind of artists do they use and how?
- How many photoshoots do they do for each project?
- How varied is their work?

Take inspiration from their work, and strive for the highest possible grade!

**Please note that this year group did not complete the exam - they only had around 6 weeks on the exam project (component 2) before we went into lockdown. It is worth focusing on their personal investigation (component 1) as these projects were completed.**

Photography sketchbook videos

Please watch this video to see a student’s A grade Journey project! It’s a sketchbook so different presentation to the way we are working, but the same idea and content. Think about the way they develop their ideas visually through experiments and artists as you watch.

This is also a good example of a top grade sketchbook – a different project, but with commentary from the teacher about why it got such high marks