Licenses & Fees

You must have all of the following while in the field:

  1. All hunters must possess a valid license, and permit if applicable, for the species and hunt type in which they will participate, and must be able to produce the license upon request by a conservation officer.
  2. All big-game and turkey hunters must possess a game-hunting license.
  3. All big-game and turkey hunters must possess a carcass tag for each species hunted, un- less the E-Tag option is chosen. If E-Tag is chosen, hunters must be able to show their license on their smartphone.
  4. All hunters and anglers on any Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management lands must possess a habitat stamp. See exceptions on page 10.
  5. All hunters, trappers and anglers 18 years and older must possess a Habitat Manage- ment and Access Validation (HMAC) on public and/or private lands.(See exceptions pages 9-10).
  6. All hunters 17 years of age and younger must possess a hunter education or mentor- youth number.
  7. All hunters on private lands must possess written permission from the landowner. (See definition and exceptions on page 26).

Hunter Responsibility

It is the responsibility of each hunter to know and comply with all applicable license, stamp, permit and/or tag requirements.

Purchasing Licenses, Stamps and Validations

Each individual purchasing a license or applying for a draw hunt must have a NMDGF account with a customer identification number (CIN). Accounts can be accessed and created online: or by telephone at 1-888-248-6866. DO NOT create a duplicate account. Licenses, tags, stamps and validations are available online, by telephone, and in person at NMDGF offices and local vendors. Information and requirements for the habitat stamp and Habitat Management and Access Validation (HMAC) are described on pages 9–10. Please note, before March 27, game-hunting licenses and stamps for the 2023–24 season can be purchased through the draw application process. Restrictions may apply for online big-game license purchases. Licenses and permits can be printed on standard paper in the customer's account if the physical tag is chosen, but all big-game and turkey hunters must also obtain a carcass tag(s) from NMDGF or a license vendor prior to hunting, unless the E-Tag option was chosen. Draw permits for bear and turkey may not be printed until an OTC bear or turkey license is purchased.

E-Tag Option for Big Game and Turkey

Hunters may choose the E-Tag option rather than receive and carry a physical license/ carcass tag. Hunters must choose the E-Tag option or receive a physical tag when purchasing or applying for their license(s). Hunters MUST be able to show their license on their phone. After any physical tag has been issued by NMDGF, the E-Tag option may not be used.

How to E-Tag

Prior to hunting, hunters must download the NM E-Tag app to their mobile phone, login while in service, and remain logged in while hunting. Upon harvesting an animal, the hunter must immediately click the Tag My Animal link in the app. The hunter will receive their E-Tag number with the CIN and the date of kill, which must be handwritten on a durable material (e.g. duct tape or flagging ribbon) in permanent ink and attached to the animal (see Tagging Instructions, pages 29–30). The app will work even while out of service as long as the license is verified prior to leaving cell service. Hunters choosing to E-Tag must still submit a harvest report.

License/Carcass Tag Combo

A license/carcass tag combination will be issued when big-game or turkey licenses are purchased online, by phone and in person at NMDGF offices. This single document is the only one a hunter needs to carry in the field, provided that the habitat stamp (if applicable) has been purchased prior to May 15, 2023.

Obtaining License/Tag Combo

Purchases at OTC License Vendors

The license/tag combination will not be available for big-game or turkey licenses and duplicate tags purchased at OTC license vendors. Both a tag and a printed license will be required.

Required Stamps

Habitat Management and Access Validation (HMAV)

A habitat management and access validation (HMAV) must be purchased and possessed by all hunters, trappers or anglers, except individuals 17 years of age and younger, resident anglers 70 years and older (free fishing license) and 100% disabled veteran card holders. Only one HMAV each license year is required. Fees are used to lease access to private lands for public use, provide public access to landlocked public land, and provide improvement, maintenance, development and operation of State Game Commission property for fish and wildlife habitat management. The HMAV will automatically be added to the shopping cart with your first purchase of a hunting, fishing or trapping license if required.

Habitat Stamp

Hunters and anglers must purchase and possess a current habitat stamp for U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands in NewMexico, except anglers 11 years of age and younger, resident anglers 70 years and older (free fishing license) and 100% disabled resident veterans in conjunction with privileges covered by the Disabled-Veteran card. Only one stamp is required each license year for these lands. The stamp is not required on other public property, or on private property. The stamp is not required in Unit 28, a predominately BLM property under military withdrawal. Funds from the sale of habitat stamps are used to improve wildlife habitat. All hunters, trappers and anglers are encouraged to purchase ahabitat stamp.

New Mexico Residency Requirements

To qualify for New Mexico resident license(s), one of the criteria below must be met:

  1. A United States citizen who has resided in N.M. for a period of not less than 90 days immediately preceding the date of application (or purchase) for the license, has been do- miciled in N.M., and has not claimed residency elsewhere for any purpose.Temporary or seasonal residents and homeowners, who maintain a primary residence outside of N.M., do not qualify for resident licenses.
  2. A citizen of another country who is legally in the United States and has lived in N.M. for at least 90 days immediately preceding his/her license application (or purchase).
  3. A student, not otherwise entitled to claim residence, who is attending any educational institution in N.M., has attended and actually has lived in the state for at least one full semester immediately preceding the application (or purchase) for a license. Students must present a certificate or letter verifying their enrollment and attendance from the proper authorities of the educational institution.
  4. A member of the U.S. military, not otherwise entitled to claim residence, who is perma- nently assigned to a military installation located within N.M. and who presents with his/ her application a certificate or letter that verifies the military assignment and is signed by the commanding officer. The spouse or dependent of such person, living within the same household and similarly certified by the person's commanding officer may also purchase resident licenses.
  5. A member of the U.S. military who is officially stationed at Fort Bliss and who presents a certificate or letter to NMDGF that verifies the military assignment and is signed by the commanding officer, prior to application. This applies only for draw-hunt licenses on Fort Bliss. Fort Bliss personnel must pay nonresident license fees for all other hunts. The 50% resident military and veteran discount does not apply.

License Information Is Public Record

Pursuant to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act, Sections 14–2–1 et. seq. NMSA 1978, all information provided when applying for licenses and permits is public record and must be disclosed to anyone when properly requested except as provided by law.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) License Fees

Game-hunting License 1

Game-hunting & Fishing License 2

Junior Game-hunting License 1

Junior Game-hunting & Fishing License 2

Senior or Handicapped Game-hunting License 1

Senior or Handicapped Game-hunting & FishingLicense 2

Disabled Veteran Game-hunting & Fishing License 2, 3

Private-land Only Deer License – Standard

Private-land Only Deer License – Quality

Private-land Only Deer License – Junior/Senior

Private-land Only Pronghorn License

Turkey License (Spring or Fall Season)

Private-land Only Oryx License

Private-land Only Barbary Sheep License

Barbary Sheep License

Temporary Game-hunting License (4 days) 1, *, **

* Does not enable the purchaser to purchase big-game or turkey licenses.

Nongame Hunting License

Draw License Fees

All fees listed include a nonrefundable application fee (residents: $7; nonresidents: $13).

Standard Elk License
(Residents 18–64 years of age and all nonresidents)
A (Antlerless)$60 Not Issued
MB (Mature Bull)$90 $548
ES (Either Sex)$90$548
Quality or High-Demand Elk License (pages 124, 126)
A$60 Not Issued
MB$90 $773
Junior/Senior Elk License (See page 14 for eligibility requirements)
A$58 Not issued
MB$58 Not issued
ES$58Not issued
Deer License
Standard (S)$41 $283
Quality (Q)$41 $368
High Demand (HD)$41$368
Junior/Senior$29 Not issued
Pronghorn License$60 $283
Javelina License$65 $178
Bighorn Sheep License
Ram$160 $3,173
Ewe$85 $3,173
Oryx License$160 $1,623
Ibex License$110 $1,623
Barbary Sheep License$110 $373
Bear Permit (application fee only1)$7 $13
Turkey Permit (application fee only1)$7 $13

Draw Hunt Licenses

Application Requirements

When applying for draw licenses for Barbary sheep, bighorn sheep, deer, elk, ibex, javelina, oryx and pronghorn, hunters must purchase a nonrefundable 2023–24 game-hunting license or game-hunting & fishing license and HMAV if applicable. Game-hunting licenses are available online or by telephone through the draw application process. Before March 27, game-hunting licenses and stamps for the 2023–2024 season may be purchased only through the draw application process. Successful applicants for draw licenses will be mailed a combination license/tag, unless the E-Tag option is chosen.

Application and full license fees for each species are charged at the time the application is submitted. Unsuccessful draw applicants will be refunded the draw license fee, but not the application fee.

To apply for bear and turkey draw permits, prior purchase of a bear, turkey or game- hunting license is not required. If the applicant is successful in the draw, purchase of a license with tag will be required after March 27. Permits will not be available until the appropriate license(s) are purchased.

How the Draw Hunt System Works

All draw applications are entered into an automated system that randomly assigns each application a sequence number. Based on this number and the quotas listed below, the system matches the first, second then third choices on the application with available licenses or permits. If all choices have already been awarded, the system advances to the next application. New Mexico does not grant preference to previously unsuccessful applicants. If a fourth-choice hunt is entered for deer or elk, the applicant may be awarded any hunt for the same sporting arm that has not allocated all available licenses. Only successful applicants will be notified by email. Unsuccessful applicants will not be notified, but may check their NMDGF account online. For more information about the draw hunt system, visit:

Drawing Quotas: New Mexico state law has established the following quotas for draw hunts for all big-game and turkey licenses and permits:

Nonresident and Outfitted Applicants Please Note: It is extremely unlikely for an outfitted applicant to draw a hunt code with six or fewer licenses or for a nonresident to draw a hunt code with twelve or fewer licenses. Residents planning to apply with one or more nonresidents should also be aware of this when applying.

Junior, Senior & Disabled

Reduced-Fee Licenses for Resident Juniors

Reduced-fee licenses for resident junior game hunting and fishing, junior deer, junior elk and junior game hunting (resident and nonresident) are available to individuals 17 years of age and younger at the time of purchase, on or after April 1, 2023. Resident junior licenses for hunting deer and/or elk on private land may be purchased at license vendors, NMDGF offices, by telephone or online.

Youth-Only Hunts

To qualify for youth-only hunts, applicants must be 17 years of age or younger on opening day of the hunt and must possess a hunter education number or mentor-youth number (pages 18–19). The mentor-youth number is valid only for deer, pronghorn, turkey, javelina and small-game hunts.

Off-Range Oryx Hunt for Seniors 70 Years and Older

To qualify for the off-range oryx for seniors hunt, applicants must be 70 years of age or older on the opening day of the hunt.

Reduced-Fee Licenses for Resident Seniors

Reduced-fee licenses for senior game hunting and fishing, senior elk or senior deer are available to residents 65 years or older at the time of purchase, on or before April 1, 2023. Senior licenses for hunting deer and/or elk on private land can be purchased at NMDGF offices and license vendors, by telephone or online.

Reduced-Fee Licenses for Handicapped Residents

A reduced-fee game-hunting & fishing license is available to New Mexico residents with a permanent disability in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Applicants must attest that they have one or more disabilities that substantially limit major life activities.

Resident handicapped license holders must purchase and possess a habitat stamp and HMAV (pages 9–10) as applicable. All other laws and rules must be followed.

Mobility-Impaired Certification (MI)

MI certification by NMDGF is required prior to submitting an application for MI- only pronghorn, oryx, elk or deer draw hunts. To qualify for MI certification, an individual must have a permanent impairment that limits his/her mobility to a walker, wheelchair or crutches and/or have one or more permanent disabilities or conditions that substantially limit his/her ability to walk. The MI certification form is available online or may be requested by telephone. This form must be signed by the applicant’s physician and attest that one or more of the above mobility-impaired conditions apply.

The MI card is valid for 48 months from the date approved/issued by NMDGF. The MI card holder must purchase and possess a habitat stamp and HMAV (pages 9–10) if applicable. All other laws and rules must be followed.

For further information call: 1-888-248-6866 or email: [email protected]

Mobility-Impaired (MI) Hunters

A mobility-impaired card allows a hunter to: 1) shoot from a stationary motor-driven vehicle only when it has been parked completely off of the established road surface and there is no right-of-way fence; 2) have one assistant to help track and kill big game that has been clearly wounded by the MI hunter. The assistant must have written authorization from the MI hunter and must use the same sporting-arm type as the MI hunter; 3) use a crossbow during a bow hunt.

Reasonable Accommodation Permits

Hunters with injuries or conditions that don't qualify for the Mobility Impaired certification may request specific disability accommodations on a case-by-case basis. For more information, call 1-888-248-6866.

Title VI Funding

Certain programs of the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish receive federal funds from the U.S. Department of the Interior. These programs are therefore subject to requirements of the New Mexico Human Rights Act and Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibit discrimination because of ancestry, sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age or physical or mental handicap. If you believe you have been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility, please send a detailed description of the incident by certified mail to the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish. If you desire further information on Title VI, write: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, ADA Coordinator, One Wildlife Way, Santa Fe, NM 87507 or Office of Equal Opportunity, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Office of the Secretary, Washington, DC 20240. The Department of Game and Fish will schedule public meetings and operate facilities that are accessible to physically impaired persons. Reasonable accommodations will be made for other impairments, including hearing and sight. If special aids are required, call 505-476-8027 or write to One Wildlife Way, Santa Fe, NM 87507 at least three working days prior to the meeting date. To initiate a complaint, write to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Diversity and Inclusive Workforce Management, Public Civil Rights Accessibility & Disability Coordinator, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041; (703) 358-1724.

Military & Veterans

Military and Veteran Licenses and Hunt Opportunities

NMDGF acknowledges the contribution and sacrifice of active military and veterans with several discounted licenses and special hunting opportunities. Information about active military and veteran hunting and fishing opportunities and how to apply is available online and by telephone.

50% Discount for Resident Active Military and Veterans

A 50% discount on all licenses, permits and stamps is available to New Mexico residents who are active duty military or honorably discharged veterans. The discount may be claimed by applying for or purchasing any license, permit or stamp online,

by telephone or at any license vendor. Residents claiming this discount must be able to provide proof of active duty military (page 122) or honorably discharged veteran status (page 127) upon request. Discount does not apply to: application fees, license vendor fees, administrative fees, duplicate license fees, the federal duck stamp, or the resident disabled veteran game-hunting & fishing license.

Proof of Active Military Status Required Prior to Application for All Military-only Draw Hunts

Each license year, applicants must provide proof of full-time, active-duty status. Veterans and reservists are not eligible for military-only hunts. Orders or other documentation (excluding military ID cards) of current active-duty service must be received by NMDGF prior to application. Proof may be submitted by email: [email protected] fax: 505-476-8180 or U.S. Mail: NMDGF Special Hunts, One Wildlife Way, Santa Fe, NM 87507.

100% Disabled Resident Veterans

New Mexico residents who are 100% disabled as a result of having served in the U.S. military are eligible for a free lifetime game-hunting & fishing license. The disabled veteran must apply for a Disabled Veteran card. This card is issued by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish and allows the cardholder to fish, hunt small game and obtain a deer hunting license free of charge. The deer hunting license will be issued only if the cardholder has applied and been successful in the draw for deer, or if the cardholder obtains written permission from a landowner for a private-land deer hunt. The free deer hunting license must be applied for each license year, and no preference is given for public-land deer draws. A habitat stamp, if applicable, is required for any privilege not covered by the Disabled Veteran Card.

Disabled Veteran Game-hunting & Fishing License

New Mexico residents who are disabled veterans of the U.S. military, but do not meet the 100% disabled qualification, are eligible for a $10 combination game-hunting & fishing license. Disabled veterans may purchase this license online, by telephone or at license vendors. A HMAV and a habitat stamp if applicable (pages 9–10) are required.

Oryx Hunts for Resident Veterans

New Mexico resident veterans are eligible to apply for once-in-a-lifetime oryx hunt, available by drawing each license year. New Mexico resident fees apply. Applicants must submit their DD-214 prior to application each year, unless their resident veteran status has already been verified by NMDGF, or they are registered as a 100% Disabled Veteran. Copies may be submitted by email: [email protected]

fax: 505-476-8180 or U.S. Mail: NMDGF Special Hunts, One Wildlife Way, Santa Fe, NM 87507.

Fort Bliss Opportunities

Active-duty military personnel stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas are eligible for resident fees on draw hunts that occur on Fort Bliss Military Reservation in New Mexico. Each year, prior to application, proof of assignment must be submitted by email: [email protected] by fax: 505-476-8180 or received by mail.

Nonresident Disabled Active Duty and Veteran Licenses for Rehabilitation Enrollees

Nonresident active-duty members or veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces who are undergoing a rehabilitation program that involves hunting activities are eligible for a resident fee on deer, elk, javelina, oryx, pronghorn and turkey licenses. The

rehabilitation program must be sponsored by the federal government, or a nonprofit organization authorized by the federal government, and it must be under the direction of a military or federal Veterans Administration rehabilitation center.

This benefit is not available through the draw. Proof of eligibility must be provided. This benefit is available only through the NMDGF Santa Fe office.

Special Oryx and Pronghorn Drawings for Injured Service Members

Injured active-duty and veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces may qualify for special drawings for oryx on White Sands Missile Range and/or pronghorn on Melrose Airforce Base. License(s) must be purchased by successful applicants, but there is no fee to apply. For eligibility and application information, please call 888-248-6866 after June 1, 2023.