Divorce while applying for medical school

I am in a position where I may be going through a divorce while applying to medical school. This will also involve custody of a child. I work four (yes, four) jobs, go to school full time, raise the child and volunteer. Is this considered a "stable" environment for a child? My gut says no, I would have to rely on child care to fill the gap. I can afford to pay for child care, while my other has no job or assets, but she is the mother. I apply to med schools in the fall and if divorce proceeds, I will certainly be in the middle of it while I apply. FYI, I am a Canadian, so 1st round, CDN schools only.
Thoughts? This is not a fishing expedition for empathy, this is a terrible situation and I am well aware of that without receiving 40 posts of OMFG teh suxors lol, etc.
Thank you for advice and insight.

I'm not sure I'm the best one to answer this question.

Medical school is very time consuming. You will need significant help to pull this off. You will not be free/available to respond to emergrncies, sicknesses, etc. Paying for childcare is fine, but most childcares run 8-5 and will not cover off hours, etc. If you have live in help (from a parent, for example) it would be much easier.

Then again, 4 jobs + school + kid + volunteer is already quite busy, and I really can't tell you if med school will be more time consuming or a piece of cake.

It somewhat depends on the age and maturity of the child, also.